Saturday, November 21, 2009

How could mashups serve international governance? Would mashups serve to make government more effective?

Mashup is a web page or application that combines data or functionality from two or more external sources to create a new service. Mashups can be an important tool for the government to collect, data or information, or locate different services on the global map. It is an important tool for making maps about different institutions and places. it can be helpful in locating weather information and military posts. Mashups can be a very useful tool in fight against Taliban in Afghanistan. For example, using mashup application you can locate different areas on the map were there were intensive fighting and road side bombings against the coalition forces. all this information you can provide in one map and can decide what strategy to adopt.

Mashups can be an important tool for being connected to the government itself. Many mashups are created to locate the congress members name home address etc. there are mashups that track where most of the tax payers money is invested. For example, Congress facebook, is a mashup tool which is developed to emulate a social networking platform for Congress. It uses over 10 application programing interface and links to: news, blogs, comments, bio information, voting records, campaign finance and more. Its also useful in political campaigns. for example, you can create a mashup describing president Obama's campaign finances on the map. It would be easier for the public to and the government to know where most of the money flows from and where President Obama has a strong hold.

In summary, Mashup is an extremely useful tool on the internet to gather information and data from different sources and bring them all in one platform. It serves government as well as the public, not only domestically but also internationally. Below are some of the links for some cool mashups that i find to be cool, enjoy.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What does global civil society look like?

You can view the map and see how a civil society might be interconnected.

A global civil society refers to non government structures and activities. Global civil society emerged in the final decade of the 20th century. It consists of individuals, households, non-profit organizations, and many more. A global civil society, is a society in which individuals are inter connected with each other. Global village is also refered to a structure of non govermental organizations. Internet is biggest role player in the global civil society, by providing people unlimited and unrestricted ways of communication. The question is what does global civil society looks like?
The global civil society is a close concept to the global village. where the world has become very interconnected. so the gap between government and people shrinks. people would have more voice and power. After the end of cold war and the emergence of the internet, the six contenets of the world started to get inter connected and emerged the idea of global civil society. As non govermental organizations and institutions could operate around the world and share the information at the same time. One of the examples of the global civil society is the global civil movements. the term serves as compainging critarion, to establish what must be done and what must be avoided, in order to reach goals like freedom, human rights and justice. I am very much optimistic in the future of the global civil society. the noe liberal economic system of free markets and a social global society based on human rights and mutual respect for each other.
one of the examples of civil society is the red cross where it provides humanitarian aid to the poor societies. and its all over the world, interconnected to the other offices which they share information.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Does internet democratizes the consumers

you can refer to my podcast at

Now days internet has been populated mostly with ads and products. Internet has become a new market approach for capitalists. the question to be asked is how much costumers are democratized enough to benefit from this new market.
internet has its pros and cons when it comes to costumer benefit. costumers have easy access to any information about the internet. they can check the prices of a good and compare it. for example if you want to buy a laptop then you find the brand on internet you get information about it and you can check the prices in different stores and make up your mind to buy. its easy and less time consuming and you will get what you want. internet has brought much competition amongst companies where the prices could change any time and costumers have the peace of mind to find out in seconds through internet.
but at the same time internet is it self a business. so you would find only the products sold by big companies and their brand name would appear in first place in your search. websites that reviews the products could be working for a specific company promoting its products. you have to be patient and sharp to know what information you are taking in. but at the final round the pros of internet benefit passes its cons. consumers have access to different markets of the world. you can buy any product from any corner of the world.there are websites that provides common people to seal their product like red flag deals, kijji, eBay and etc. Internet has opened a new face of market system to the world which would benefit consumer and the seller both.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What version of historical change do you believe in and why?

I think the most important historical change to the 21st century is explained best by cosmopolitanism. Internet began to start during 20th century and it is an important aspect of today's life. From government to a single individual uses internet and communicate with each other. this for sure will lead towards a global village. we are right now are living in a global village where the world has become so small by the use of internet. you can chat and talk to your friends miles a way from you in seconds.
Democratization is one of the important aspects of internet according to cosmopolitanism. where each individual has the right to participate and use the internet. there is no racism or class difference in internet. for example any body can use the popular site face book for free its not on gender or race or class or belief. Any one can broadcast their views and opinion on the internet. this change has brought about significant impact on peoples life and i will help increase democracy around the world.
The impact on press and media where people can have access to information and use it. According to cosmopolitanism internet has brought many communities together. people are more aware of each others cultures and beliefs, they have become more close to each other. trade has become very much more convenient due to internet and it use.
Cosmopolitanism view is very optimistic but it basically helps to understand how internet has changes the world and is continuously changeling it in coming decades. the more we advance on internet the more people will have freedom and freedom of speech and democracy.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

what determines the structure of folkonomy

A folksonomy is defined as a classification system created by the user who tags content with keywords collaboratively. This is probably one of the most significant characteristics of the Web 2.0. The keywords that are provided by the user would help people to classify the websites. This tool is very useful in nowadays’ society because when we type-in the keywords on the search engines, the websites which are tagged with those keywords will pop-up, it would help the search engine and the searcher to filter out the unrelated contents.

When looking at the folksonomy the code, the content and the social process are all factors that determine the structure of the folksonomy. The social process would be one of the factors. Since this is a way for information to exchange with other people in different countries, it is also a way of interacting with people with different cultural and educational backgrounds. By posting the contents on the web and tagging the keywords, people with similar interests and knowledge on that specific topic will search for it and read it, they’ll probably comment on it too. Although the content is the most important factor that people notice for determining the folksonomy, without the code and the social process, this tool would not overall function as a whole.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are wikis an effective means of communication? By bahram amini

A wiki is an online tool that allows users to update and publish content collaboratively. Anyone who has access can edit the content, using a very simple tool and an ordinary web browser. Wiki usage is known as 'collaborative authoring'.The largest and most famous wiki is Wikipedia - a web-based encyclopedia based on free collaborative content.Founded in 2001, it already has more than 1.6 million articles. A more recent example of wiki innovation is Wikicities, a collection of communities with websites that you can edit.

One of the fastest ways to understand wikis is to see how Wiki's are different from other internet based communication tools, such as email, blogs, bulletin boards and etc. Wikis are toolkit for creating pages. the pages created can work in many different ways. this is difference for understanding wikis and other forms of websites and tools for collaboration. wikis are not emails. individual emails share some wiki properties, they are easy to create and easy to be formatted. however emails lack the a central place where every one can work at once. Wikis are different from blogs, where in a blog the most recent article comes at the top and people can read and post a comment but can not edit it. As Wikis it can be used by many different users all at once which actually boosts communication among the individuals.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Should we be worried about digital divide why or why not

The term digital divide refers to the gap between people who have access to the digital world and information technology and people who have very limited access. It refers to inequality in a society for some people who have the knowledge and access to digital technology ( Internet, computer, cell phone, etc) and those who does not have it at all.

Should we be worried about it?

Of course, As famous economist Karl marks argued that inequality in a society would bring conflict between those who have and those who does not. As marks was referring to a capitalist society where unequal distribution of wealth occurs. but in this era of technology one can apply the same argument. The gap between those who have access to information technology and those who does not, will bring conflict and hatred in a society.

The technology world is growing rapidly and those who doesn't have acess to it and does not have the knowledge to use it, can not compete with class of society that has it. the competetion is based on economical, political and social bases. As those who have access to technology can produce more, sell the goods on high values and would be aware of market regulations.

Today the development and progress of the society is based on information and technology. The more people have access to it the more society will grow, stronger, better, and socially more aware of its environment. We have to strive more in order to eliminate this digital gap in our society.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Web 3.0

I am waiting anxiously for web 3.0. Its going to have a very deep impact on the way we see

internet, search internet. It will basically bring all the options for you on the table and you would

choose. It will make web surfing much more easier time consuming and fast. Web -- Web 3.0 --

will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. Instead of multiple

searches, you might type a complex sentence or two in your Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do

the rest. In our example, you could type "I want to see a funny movie and then eat at a good

Mexican restaurant. What are my options?" The Web 3.0 browser will analyze your response,

search the Internet for all possible answers, and then organize the results for you. Web 3.0 will

boot the use of internet and search engines.

How did my grand parents communicate

As my grand parents lived in Afghanistan, which is one of the poorest countries of the world, their main communication was through mail which took almost a month to be get

from one city to another. This was only good for the very few people that had Knowledge of writing and reading. Those who were illiterate would pay some one to write the letter

for them and pay again for some one to read the letter for them. The second source that came earlier was the tel-communications which would cost more and u had to go to the

center send a message to the person and fix a time for the person whom you talking to should also be present at the center in his or her city for you to talk. A lot of difficulties at the

time when they were communicating. Fortunately mobile phone is the leading source of communication in Afghanistan right now.