Monday, November 2, 2009

What version of historical change do you believe in and why?

I think the most important historical change to the 21st century is explained best by cosmopolitanism. Internet began to start during 20th century and it is an important aspect of today's life. From government to a single individual uses internet and communicate with each other. this for sure will lead towards a global village. we are right now are living in a global village where the world has become so small by the use of internet. you can chat and talk to your friends miles a way from you in seconds.
Democratization is one of the important aspects of internet according to cosmopolitanism. where each individual has the right to participate and use the internet. there is no racism or class difference in internet. for example any body can use the popular site face book for free its not on gender or race or class or belief. Any one can broadcast their views and opinion on the internet. this change has brought about significant impact on peoples life and i will help increase democracy around the world.
The impact on press and media where people can have access to information and use it. According to cosmopolitanism internet has brought many communities together. people are more aware of each others cultures and beliefs, they have become more close to each other. trade has become very much more convenient due to internet and it use.
Cosmopolitanism view is very optimistic but it basically helps to understand how internet has changes the world and is continuously changeling it in coming decades. the more we advance on internet the more people will have freedom and freedom of speech and democracy.


  1. Hi Bahram,
    Given your views, you'll want to pay particular attention to the lecture on governance as it will help you understand how increased information flows contribute to democratization - especially through improved accountability, transparency and public participation. I'd also be interested in know what you thought after the end of today's lecture. Do you still support a cosmpolitan vision after seeing the lecture about having too much choice?

  2. Hi Katherine

    Thanks for the response. I do have a very optimistic view about the future of internet. As more countries join in the global village, the demand for a more democratized system of internet governance will emerge. As recently United States has soften their grip on the internet due to the world demand.
    I would still support the cosmopolitanism view because i would still argue that having too much choice would help the people as a whole in the long run as more businesses will strive to create competition which will lead to higher employment levels and cheaper products. Thus, contributing to an overall increase in GDP, providing great benefits.

  3. After reading this Bahram, I feel like a Cosmopolitan. However, one thing that I would say is that the Marxist view that the capitalist will take over the internet for their own benefit and profit still appears to be reasonable and beliveable. Although you kind of of convinced me with what you said, I am still a Marxist because at the end of it all, the only people/group/class benefitting from this whole internet ordeal is the capitalist.
