Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What does global civil society look like?

You can view the map and see how a civil society might be interconnected.


A global civil society refers to non government structures and activities. Global civil society emerged in the final decade of the 20th century. It consists of individuals, households, non-profit organizations, and many more. A global civil society, is a society in which individuals are inter connected with each other. Global village is also refered to a structure of non govermental organizations. Internet is biggest role player in the global civil society, by providing people unlimited and unrestricted ways of communication. The question is what does global civil society looks like?
The global civil society is a close concept to the global village. where the world has become very interconnected. so the gap between government and people shrinks. people would have more voice and power. After the end of cold war and the emergence of the internet, the six contenets of the world started to get inter connected and emerged the idea of global civil society. As non govermental organizations and institutions could operate around the world and share the information at the same time. One of the examples of the global civil society is the global civil movements. the term serves as compainging critarion, to establish what must be done and what must be avoided, in order to reach goals like freedom, human rights and justice. I am very much optimistic in the future of the global civil society. the noe liberal economic system of free markets and a social global society based on human rights and mutual respect for each other.
one of the examples of civil society is the red cross where it provides humanitarian aid to the poor societies. and its all over the world, interconnected to the other offices which they share information.

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